General Education Courses
The USA-C Associate Degrees (Business Management, Computer Science, and Criminal Justice) will provide an extensive assortment of General Educations courses to choose from that will assist students / athletes in meeting University eligibility. These same courses will also provide a strong foundational base for new and continuing students interested in a variety of fields while focused on an Associate Degree.
Outstanding educators teaching a variety of General Education courses, and top industry experts and employers will provide valuable insight for the advancement of ALL students to a University and/or enhance one’s current or future career.
USA-C Admissions Consultants will help you consider the General Education options available in each of the Associate Degree programs; and will help you develop a strong plan of action for moving forward. Call TODAY to learn more.
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Available General Education Courses:
CLICK HERE for a sample of General Education courses available and detailed descriptions
ART 1010 | Art History
This course provides a basic understanding of art and art appreciation, from Western and non-Western cultures and students will focus on themes such as religion, power, politics, sexuality, mortality and entertainment value.
ART 1100 | Introduction to Design
This course focuses on 2D art fundamentals and concepts. Students will study visual examples from different periods, people and cultures to learn the basic elements and principles of design. Students will study painting, graphic design, architecture, and new media to learn how to recognize the language of design in everyday life.
ART 1110 | Introduction to Film
This course is designed to broaden students’ skills in analyzing film. Students will study and watch films of various genres and analyze frame captures to focus on intention and style. Students will watch interviews with real film practitioners and study real-world examples of style used in modern and classic cinema.
BIO 1010 | Introduction to Biology
This course gives an overview of biology and can fulfill the physical science general education requirement. Students will study life, chemistry of cells, principles of energy and metabolism, and the principles of evolution and genetics.
BIO 1500 | General Agriculture
This course provides a basic understanding of agriculture through a biological lens. Students will study the influence of agriculture on society and the influence of science on modern agriculture and its industry. Students will study plant and animal systems, soils, cell functions, genetics, genetic engineering, plant and animal reproduction, entomology, biotechnology and environmental concerns.
CHEM 1010 | Introduction to Chemistry
This course provides a basic understanding of chemistry that can provide a jumping off point for future study. Students will study matter and energy, scientific measurements, atoms and atomic theory, and chemical reactions. Students will participate in virtual labs to solidify their understanding.
15 COMM 1060 | Business Communication
This course is designed to give students a foundational approach to professional communication and methods. Students will learn presentation tools, interview skills, resume-building, and Business English grammar.
ENGL 1010 | Introductory Academic Writing
This course provides an entry level understanding to college writing. Students will look at professional and student writing, and will study essay writing, argumentative writing, citation and MLA style formatting.
ENGL 2020 | Research Writing
This course provides a deeper understanding from ENGL 1010 in researching and writing specifically focusing on digital research. Students will focus on academic libraries and skills to continue their education with. This class is crucial for all programs in academic settings.
MATH 1050 | College Algebra
This course provides students with a foundational understanding of college-level algebra. Key concepts for use in real-world settings and all professional settings will be taught. Students will study mathematical models, polynomial equations, rational numbers, inverse, logarithmic and exponential functions.
MUSIC 1010 | Music Appreciation
This course focuses on developing and refining listening skills of students and an appreciation of music. Students will study all aspects of music, including pop and classical music and will use examples from popular artists to illustrate concepts. This course will be organized chronologically to give students an understanding of music’s development.
PHIL 1010 | Introduction to Philosophy
This course provides a basic understanding of different philosophical schools of thought. Students will study the history and culture of various philosophical teachers and leading theories through the West, Asia, the Americas and Africa.
PHYS 1050 | Astronomy
This course provides a basis in the Astronomy field and can be used to fulfill the physical science general education requirement. Students will study two fundamental astronomical questions: what are we? And how do we know? This course looks at the newest developments in the astronomy field as well as the history of science.
PSY 1010 | Introduction to Psychology
This course provides a broad overview of the impact and facets of social psychology. Students will study several aspects of psychology and how it relates to many fields. Including self-study, stereotypes, prejudices, conformity and group processes.
SOC 1020 | Introduction to Social Work
This course provides a foundation for understanding social work and family services. Students will explore careers and skills needed for the professional world. Students will study real world situations and the role social work plays in the social welfare system.